Science Classification - Study #1

Scientific classification describes the following levels of organization (taxons) for classifying life forms. Linnaean taxonomy ranked from the highest to the lowest levels; Domain, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species, Subspecies. Each level is called a taxon.

Q1) Domain (Superkingdom), the highest level of science classification. What are the groupings of this classification?

Q2) Kingdom, the second highest science classification level based on certain evolutionary traits. List the groupings of the six-kingdom system?

Q3) Phylum, this level is divide into three divisions. Name them?

Q4) Phylum: pertaining to the animal division, how many groupings are there?

Q5) Phylum: pertaining to the plant division, how many groupings are there?

Q6) Phylum: pertaining to the plant division, how many groupings are there?

Q7) Class is a rank in the science classification. It is ranked between Phylum and Order. This rank consists of subclasses. True or False?

Q8) Order is a ranked between the Class and Family levels. There are ___?____ groupings in this level.

Q9) Family, a rank between order and genus. There are ___?____ groupings in this level.

Q10) Genus, a rank between Family and Species levels. There are ___? ____ groupings in this level.

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